The model archive[1] was a mediation and exhibition project employing a scenography which divided the space into distinct exhibition, presentation, study and outdoor areas.[2] While it was a publicly accessible site, where selected materials from the performance archive of Basel’s Kaskadenkondensator (1998-2008) were on view, its various spaces simultaneously served the roughly 20 guest artists, curators, researchers, lecturers and students from Switzerland and abroad as laboratories for experimentation and research.[3] Our intention was not to present artefacts, in the sense of aura-imbued art objects, in an exhibition but to create a space where people conducting experimental research with documents classified according to artefact type could interact. The central aim of the installation was to try out, discuss and publicly present different methodological forms of access and theoretical approaches to transcriptions in a process of reciprocal exchange between various scientific and artistic fields – in other words, to conduct research as a performative process.
[1] Julia Wolf led the research team responsible for curating the choice of artefacts from 44 performances from the archive of the Kaskadenkondensator and placing them on display. Wolf completed her Master of Arts in Art Education, specialization in Curating & Museum Education on this subject in the autumn term 2011-2012.
[2] For the spatial concept by Michael Meier and Christoph Franz, see ‘Related documents’.
[3] Klingental exhibition space, Basel, 14.8.-11.9.2011; for the names of participants in the model archive’s research, see ‘Related documents’.