Archives must be both actively appropriated and initiate action in order to remain culturally relevant as a medium of transmission. This applies to all archival work but especially to the archiving and transmitting of performance art, which the project archiv performativ took as the focus of its research, directing particular attention to the relationship between documentation and transcription. Hence one of the aims of the project was to develop an exemplar model which assigns more importance to artistic practice than is usual in traditional, institutionalised archives.

About this website
This website presents the results of the SNF / DoRe research project archiv performativ: a model concept for the documentation and reactivation of performance art which has been hosted by the Institute for Cultural Studies in the Arts (ICS), Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK (duration: April 2010 until June 2012)
Application and support:
Prof. Dr. Sigrid Schade (head of ICS)
Pascale Grau MAS CGS (head of project), Irene Müller lic. phil., Margarit von Büren MAS CGS; Julia Wolf (student assistant, January–September 2011), Veronika Merklein (project intern, March–April 2012)
Praxis partners:
Kaskadenkondensator Basel. Raum für aktuelle Kunst und Performance, Chris Regn (Leiterin)
Ausstellungsraum Klingental, Basel, Leila Martin / Thomas Heimann (Projektleitung / Koordination)
Kaserne Basel, Carena Schlewitt / Tobias Brenk
(Direktion / Dramaturgie)
bildwechsel, kultur- und medienzentrum für frauen, Hamburg, durbahn (Leiterin)
Cooperation partners:
Hochschule für Musik und Theater HMT, Leipzig, Prof. Dr. Barbara Büscher
Goethe Universität Frankfurt a. M., Institut Kunstpädagogik, Prof. Dr. Verena Kuni
Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Theaterwissenschaft, Prof. Dr. Doris Kolesch
Schweizerisches Institut für Kunstwissenschaft SIK-ISEA, Zürich, Dr. Matthias Oberli / lic. phil. Michael Schmid
Universität Basel, Institut für Medienwissenschaften, Prof. Dr. Christoph Tholen
ZHdK, Medienarchiv MAdeK, Susanne Schumacher
ZHdK, Institute for Art Education, Prof. Carmen Mörsch / Anna Schürch
Pascale Grau, Irene Müller, Margarit von Büren and Veronika Merklein (part 2)
Copy-editing: Lea von Brückner, Bernadett Settele
Translation: Charlotte Kreutzmüller
Design: Daniel Bär
Hosting: ZHdK
Related links:
Thanks are due to all contributors and participants and our friends, especially Ann Nelson, Matthias Scheurer und Thomas Zirlewagen
Thanks for the financial support are due to: